

Without you, my days are silenced, Away from you, my nights don’t smile.
Tears have left with a smiling pain, its us or the world who is at blame

Feels like my thoughts are freezed,
Emotions all dried and sudden cold has seized.
Blindness has taken me all over again,
How to hold life when I have lost my rein?

Things happened thick and fast, You left me lost deep in the past.
Searing pain and burning desire,No way out from this mire,

Should I fight hard to kick back every blow,
Should I struggle every memory to forgo,
Should I move away from the cries,
Should I move away from your eyes

I feel like I exist not anymore, but how do I quieten my heart’s roar
blinded me trying to look beyond, but all i need is your embrace fond

were gonna live ‘til death do us apart’
to keep our promises from the heart
we stuck together, sunshine or rains,
but end was sudden and we parted lanes

Is it the end or is this the beginning, With you life was n will be nothing,
should I brave up and explain the meaning, or sink back and accept to be the nothing.

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